begins here.
If you think you stumbled upon this page by mistake, think again. It’s our belief everything happens for a reason. It’s also our belief you can enhance your life through the intentional use of plant medicines, especially under an optimized set and setting.
begins here.
If you think you stumbled upon this page by mistake, think again. It’s our belief everything happens for a reason. It’s also our belief you can enhance your life through the intentional use of plant medicines, especially under an optimized set and setting.
Your Senses
BLUAYA merges traditional shamanic practices with scientific, evidence-based knowledge and therapeutic exercises to offer uniquely magical life-enhancing experiences.

A surreal ambiance is created to foster dream-like states of consciousness. You can enjoy the show with your eyes open or use eyes masks to journey deeper within yourself.

Musicians integrate elements of live music into a carefully curated playlist which is played though a high-end surround sound system. This combo will make you feel like you’re in the middle of a jungle orchestra.

Subtle scents are dispersed to inducing comfort, alertness, clarity, and grounding – at just the right times. Sage, Palo Santo, Copal have been used for centuries in ceremony and ritual.

Enjoy an unforgettable moment of appreciation and gratitude while sharing an abundance of tropical, in-season fruits full of vibrant colors and textures.